The Pops Spedster site is home to an instructional system designed to meet the academic and community-based instructional needs of students with intellectual/cognitive impairments.
DEVELOPMENTALLY APPROPRIATE INSTRUCTION (DAI), is a system of instruction that involves probing a student's present level of educational performance.
The results of the probe can be used to design individualized education plans that meet IDEA requirements.
Some ELL students and home-schooled students could also benefit from the materials being offered on this site.
Pops Spedster And Company is an Oregon-based 501c3 non-profit, registered with the Oregon Secretary of State's office.
DISCLAIMER -The Special Education resources contained on this site are based on my 13 years of experience teaching medically fragile students in adaptive life skills public school classrooms.Pops Spedster And Company makes no representations about the accuracy of information from third party sources contained on this site, nor do we accept any responsibility for the use of this information.While we aspire to present best practices in serving a medically fragile student population, scientific developments and research have created a fertile environment of approaches to instruction that have resulted in a changing pedagogical discipline that works to improve the lives of people with developmental disabilities.- James M. Kemp/ AKA Pops Spedster. |
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(under construction)
THE ASSESSMENT/PROBEThis assessment is based on various developmental tools typically used to determine approximations of intelligence levels in people with developmental disabilities. This assessment is not intended to produce as estimation of intelligence, but instead should be used to by a collaborative team to set instructional priorities and for designing instructional goals. This assessment requires those who are most familiar with the student/ individual with a developmental disability, to make an estimation of the extent to which that person can perform various functional skills independently.
Score each item 1 to 3 with 1 being “needs full assistance” and 3 being “independent. Score 0 if there is no evidence to support the described behavior. A. Expressive Communication Domain Verbal /Gestural/Signed Communication
Total for this category - _____ Written Communication
Total for this category - _____ Assistive/Augmentative Expression 1. I can use an adaptive computer device to make a choice. _____ 2. I can use a computer mouse to make a choice. _____ 3. I can use an adaptive computer program to write my name. _____ 4. I can use an adaptive computer program to write a phrase. _____ 5. I can use an adaptive computer program to write a report or letter. _____ Total for this category - _____ Electronic Communication 1. I can use a telephone to dial my home telephone number. _____ 2. I can use a telephone to dial at least one emergency number. _____ 3. I can use a telephone to dial the numbers of friends and relatives. _____ 4. I can use a computer to send and receive email. _____ 5. I can use a computer or gaming device to play a game. _____ Total for this category - _____
Total for Communication Domain out of 80 points - _____
B. Time Concepts Domain 1. I can show that I know the difference between day and night. _____ 2. I can show that I know the difference between morning and afternoon. _____ 3. I can show that I know today, tomorrow and yesterday. _____ 4. I can read a digital clock. _____ 5. I can read an analog clock. _____ 6. I can find the date on a monthly calendar. _____ 7. I can focus on a task for at least thirty minutes. _____ 8. I can focus on a task for more than thirty minutes. _____ 9. I can predict the day and time of my favorite television show. _____ 10. I can predict the day and time for a movie I want to see at the cinema. _____ Total for this Domain out of 30 points - _____
C. Self-regulation Domain 1. I can be safely left alone for up to five minutes with adults nearby. _____ 2. I can be safely left alone for up to fifteen minutes with adults nearby. _____ 3. I can be safely left at home with no adults nearby for up to 30 minutes. _____ 4. I can take care of my own toileting needs. _____ 5. I can take care of my own hygiene needs. _____ 6. I can dress myself including tying my own shoes. _____ 7. I can pick out my own school clothes at the store. _____ 8. I always wash my hands after using the bathroom. _____ 9. I check my clothes to see if they need laundering. _____ 10. I know how to lock and unlock the doors at home. _____ Total for this Domain out of 30 points- _____
D. Space Concepts Domain 1. I know when an object is close to me. _____ 2. I know when I cannot reach an object. _____ 3. I know what a shadow is. _____ 4. I can show which object is the largest. _____ 5. I can show which object is the smallest. _____ 6. I can show which object is the longest. _____ 7. I can show which object is the shortest. _____ 8. I can predict what a thrown object will do to other objects. _____ 9. I can predict how long it will take to walk from school to home. _____ 10. I can predict how long it will take for the family car to drive to school. _____ Total for this Domain out of 30 points- _____
E. Numeric Concepts Domain 1. I can count up to five objects. _____ 2. I can group objects by their common colors. _____ 3. I can add groups of items when there are at least five in each group. _____ 4. I can add groups of items when there are more than ten in each group. _____ 5. I can subtract groups of items when there are at least five in each group. _____ 6. I can subtract groups of items when there are more than ten in each group. _____ 7. I can name the parts of a whole when it is divided into four parts. _____ 8. Using a calculator, I can multiply two numbers. _____ 9. Using a calculator, I can divide a number by two. _____ 10. I know that four quarters equal one dollar. _____
Total for this Domain out of 30 points - _____
F. Vocational Concepts Domain 1. I know how to order things from first to last with three items. _____ 2. I know how to order things from first to last with seven items. _____ 3. I can understand a list of five instructional steps when I hear them. _____ 4. I can follow a visual/picture list of steps in a three step process. _____ 5. I can follow a visual/picture list of steps in a seven step process. _____ 6. I understand that I should receive money for the work I do. _____ 7. I understand that I should listen to my supervisor at work. _____ 8. I understand that “clowning around” in not right for work. _____ 9. I understand that the work I do now will help me to do other tasks. _____ 10. After I complete a task, I ask for another task to do. _____ Total for this Domain out of 30 points - _____
G. Daily Living Concepts Domain 1. I can use a spoon to feed myself. _____ 2. I can use a knife to cut up food that needs to be cut up. _____ 3. I can clean up my table area after I eat. _____ 4. I can tell the difference between hot items and cold items. _____ 4. I can boil water on a stove. _____ 5. I can follow directions for microwaving a pre-packaged meal. _____ 6. I can fry an egg in a skillet. _____ 7. I can plan a nutritious meal using the Food Guide Pyramid. _____ 8. I can launder my own clothes. _____ 9. I can make my own bed. _____ 10. I can clean up my own room. _____ Total for this Domain out of 30 points - _____
H. Community Experiences Domain 1. I can cross a street safely. _____ 2. I can tell a friend how to get to my home. _____ 3. I can tell a friend how to get to my school. _____ 4. I can locate up three items at a grocery store. _____ 5. I can locate a favorite item in a variety store. _____ 6. I can order a “combo” meal at a fast food restaurant. _____ 7. I can order a complete meal at a “sit down” restaurant. _____ 8. I can pay for any item using the “Next Dollar Up” strategy. _____ 9. I can predict how change I get back from a dollar purchase. _____ 10. I can budget for items that I need to purchase. _____ Total for this Domain out of 30 points - _____
I. Social Interaction Domain 1. I can express affection for a care giver or parent. _____ 2. I can play a simple game with another person my age. _____ 3. I can play a board game with several other people. _____ 4. I can get angry without hurting other people. _____ 5. I can identify up to three emotions in myself. _____ 6. I can identify up to six emotions in myself. _____ 7. I can identify up to three emotions in other people. _____ 8. I can identify up to six emotions in other people. _____ 9. I can trade my own property for someone else’s property of equal value. _____ 10. I can share an emotion that I know someone else is experiencing. _____ Total for this Domain out of 30 points- _____
Total for all domains out of 320 possible points - _____
Since 2008, Pops Spedster And Company has published content for the developmental disabilities community.
TABLE OF CONTENTSto the entire Pops Spedster network._________________________________________________________________ Click here to go to our page containing links to Special Education Resources. |
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Updated 04/01/2022
Contact us at popspedster@gmail.com
Pops Spedster And Company is an Oregon-based 501c3 non-profit, registered with the Oregon Secretary of State's office.
Information about our company can be found at -
Business Registry Business Name Search (state.or.us)
The Lemon Aid Network is a wholly-owned business subsidiary of Pops Spedster And Company.
Copyright 2022 - James M. Kemp